Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Letter to our Fans


 Us authors at the Dramatic Picnic Table care mightily for our fan base. We are intent on not letting our recent jump out on the big stage hinder the communication with our lojal fans that have been with us from the humble beginnings; we are mere mortals (at least most of us), and we know our success is dependent on you all. To show our appreciation, and to connect ever tighter with the most awesome group of people...

...What's that? I can't make such claims? "Excessive hyperbole," you say? Well, okay then, trying again.

...to connect ever tighter with you, a group of people that would surely rank in the top 100 of social groupings of people in the past few decades if such rankings existed.. That just doesn't flow well. Alright, words aren't on my side today. You're cool, is what I'm saying. And for you, we created a Facebook page. Feel free to like, comment, share, tweet, eat, sit on or otherwise interact with it. Because we're totally not letting our fame go to our heads.

Like, seriously.

Oh, and for the record, I love gingers, no matter what certain other individuals may claim.

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