This episode’s word (only one this time…I think most will only have one word) is ‘rural’.
When I realized I hate this word: At a lovely dinner date. (Sadie’s)
Why I hate this word: I guess I tried to use it in a sentence (I know, my vocabulary is quite advanced) and my mouth could not make that word sound right. That is why I hate it. It never sounds right. Quite a few people on the dinner date also tried to say ‘rural’. Still, it always sounds off. Like you are Scooby-doo, gargling marbles, or just special.
There are some words that you can own. They just snap off of the tongue, and you sound confident and authoritative. Like the word ‘rustic’. Upon hearing that word, I immediately picture a golden field with a cottage in Northern Italy. Mountains are in the distance with grape vines flowing down their sides. The ‘rus’ at the beginning is quickly deployed, and beautifully complimented by the ‘tic’ sound. the ‘tic’ is sharp and somewhat aggressive, yet the word is so passive in meaning.
There is a reason I picked the word ‘rustic’. Apparently, originally, ‘rustic’ and ‘rural’ actually had the SAME FREAKING MEANING. How did such opposites mean the same thing once?
‘Rural’ probably was dropped as a child. Then picked apart by crabs.
It’s even in comic sans…
Just go ahead and say ‘rural’ a few times. While you are at it, go ahead and say ‘whirl’. Those words do not look that much alike. But they sound pretty close to me. My quarrel (see what I did there?) is not with the latter word. It is with ‘rural’. I don’t think many people can make that word sound right.
And I know I put the punctuation outside of the quotation marks (Personal preference).
Districts is also a stupid word! Why would any word have a c and a t right next to each other? Impossible. Dis tricks, is how I pronounce it. Is that correct?