Thursday, February 7, 2013

The “I Don’t Have Wi-Fi and I Really, Really Need It” Cycle

Wi-Fi Rotate Edit 4 (Invert)

A sight no one likes to see. Especially inverted.
…Not that people see it inverted too often. Or really ever. But at that point, you should know that you probably have a few more problems with your computer that are a bit worse than not having Wi-Fi...

This is a view I grew a bit accustomed to one day. (Not inverted, mind you). I went to a park to do some homework in a largely calm, serene area so as to get away from all the chatter and whatnot at school, and from the on-and-off chaos at home. However, when I went to type up the paper due in two days that I was going to work on… I realized I had no idea what it was supposed to be about.

I knew that the information was available on the school’s online portal… but getting there was a different story.

The cycle of attempting to find this information went something like this:

- Cell phone (can’t use the login page)
- Other cell phone browser (can’t use the login page either)
- Wireless cell phone tethering to allow my computer to get online (some junk about “this account” not being set up for that)
- Doing something I normally would avoid: attempting to log on to random Wi-Fi connections in the area (realized I was trying to log on to secured connections)
- Doing something I normally would avoid: attempting to log on to random unsecured Wi-Fi connections in the area (none of them allowed me actual internet access)
- Say “The heck?!” (did not give me access)
- Say “Crud it.”

And thus, my attempt to gain this information while at the park was unsuccessful.
The end. Game over. No happy ending for you.


What, you want a happy ending THAT bad?
No. Go get your own.
Pay-per-view. Channel 5. Brandon vs. Comic Sans.
That should be good.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon v. Comic Sans happens to be one of the best reality shows out there.
