Saturday, March 2, 2013

Let this mark the moment I turned into a vigilante.


There is this website I’ve seen commercials about,

And from what I understand, they ‘boost your online image’. It always sounded more like you pay to get their staff to search your stuff and ‘Like’ it or something. But whatever. I’ve decided they need to do this for video games.


          (Finally getting paid to ‘Like’ stuff. The way it should be.)

So I play Call of Duty: MW3. It is just recreational, not obsessive. Anyway. I noticed something the other day. Apparently you can check your gamer profile, and it has your typical profile stuff, but it also has a reputation portion. It said that 100% of the people who have rated me, have avoided me. This made me sad. And then I saw that I had only been rated by one person. Okay that isn’t too bad then…

Until I saw what it was for. I was avoided because of ‘Language’.

Why is this a problem? Because I don’t use profanities! I don’t even use a mic!


Heck, I’ll hunt down EVERYONE who does that. I’ll be like Batman! Only, a bit less…

That just made me upset. Who goes around leaving false reviews?!

And then I remembered, I was playing Call of Duty.


  1. You don't have to say anything! Your body language says it all

    1. Impossible! If they were seeing my body language, they wouldn't have avoided me.
